Saturday, August 20, 2005

Undercover Furry Observer

It all started with JJCoolJ. I mean it didn't start with JJCoolJ, but he was the first one who ever made me realize Furries were serious. (Well, as serious as you can be when you're a giant polar bear looking for a good time.)

Let me back up a step in case you have no idea what I'm talking about. Now, this isn't the kosher definition of a furry, because I've learned it encompasses a lot more than this. But for purposes of quick explanation, a furry is someone who derives pleasure from dressing up like an animal (think sports mascot). They even have their own language -- when they get together, they yiff and scritch, etc.

There's actually a very enlightening article from Vanity Fair which has been preserved by a group of furries. "Pleasures of the Fur," as it's headlined, could just as easily be subtitled, "A Beginner's Guide to One Really Odd Fetish." And if, after reading the article, you really feel like you need more information (which you shouldn't), you can check out these furry-based comic strips: El Goonish Shive, Akaelae and Suburban Jungle.

Furries -- especially JJCoolJ -- became fodder for the Something Awful and ArsTechnica crew. There was even a Web page devoted solely to tracking JJCoolJ (link goes to cached version). As someone else said, JJCoolJ probably paid for (SA founder) Lowtax's kids' college education with all the money JJ dropped reinstating his membership over and over.

So why am I going on and on about furries? Because it's that time of year again. Mephit Furmeet 9 is in Memphis Sept. 1-4.

What is Mephit Furmeet, Kate? Glad you asked. It's the annual local furry convention. Three and a half days of ... fun?

Among the scheduled events:
Oh, and I forgot to mention the furry karaoke ... the furry comedian ... the furry rock band ... and the two furries getting married on Saturday. No, this is not a joke. I don't want to cause trouble ... I mean, they all sound like lovely people -- err, animals. But I'd really like to get into the convention and furry-watch.

I want to be an Undercover Furry Observer (UFO).

At best, it would provide a wealth of writing inspiration. At worst, it would be an interesting way to kill a weekend. Maybe I could convince some of the Ars or SA guys to come with me ... as long as they promised not to get in any fights. (It's for their own safety, you know. People with claws generally win fights.) ^_^;

I'll keep you guys in the loop about my UFO plans. Until then, I'd love to hear others' experiences with furries ... and what you guys think of the whole phenomenon.

[Edit: To answer the first question asked to me off-blog ... No, you don't have to dress up to get into the con.]


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