Thursday, August 11, 2005

Why post when you can game?

As much as I love you guys, Dear Hubby is home tonight, and we're going to play some City of Heroes. I'm trying to get to level 38 at which point I'll get a power called Fulcrum Shift and then I'll be popular and everyone will love me.

And you guys care. No, really. I know you do.

See my buddies and me in the picture? We're such a fun-lovin' crew that we don't even go fight baddies. We just stand outside elevators and read the newspaper. All night long. While talking over TeamSpeak.

Well, I think I've said enough. Oh! I posted a comment in the Bead Hub thread answering SGG's question and letting Lauren know she's in like Flynn.

What kind of deadline do you think we should set for beads? Doesn't matter to me as long as you guys adhere to deadlines better than Paul. ;-)


Blogger smacky said...

Okay, I'm like totally bead-speak retarded, so what exactly am I going to do? Buy a variety of beads, noting which are for who and why, and send them to you?

It's a neat idea, but I'm a little lost. Sorry.

9:21 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Yeah, I guess I can back the train up for the Smackster this one time. ::grins::

Actually, you got it right -- you can pick out different beads for different people and note which are for who and why. Or you can pick one thing out that represents you and I'll send the same one to everybody.

If you don't have a local bead store (or don't want to leave the comfort of your computer chair), you can order online. Beads online are sold in a number of ways -- they'll note it on the page. Sometimes you buy just one, or a package of three or four. And then sometimes they're sold in strands of many beads (20+).

Does that clear anything up? LOL

Anyway, the basic idea is you send your beads to me, I split them up and string everyone's together, then send the finished product back to you. I'll be on AIM if you wanna flesh it out further. ^_^

10:55 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...


12:00 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Two week may not be long enough for me. Me was going to make nice monsteish charmtype bead thingys, but 8 could be hard in two weeks! We am looking round for what me can find this weekend, me will let you know on what time me need for making and sending. You never know, me may find good beads for sending too!

9:13 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I need to get going with this. It'd be nice to know who the 8 peeps are that are going to be in on this. I know Monstee, Smacky, Kate, Me, Grr. Who else?

10:47 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

I was kinda thinking FF might be in on it too, and then there was a 2-bead buffer in case anyone else joined up. Maybe I can get Paul in on the act, although he blogs so infrequently.

10:52 PM  

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