Thursday, September 15, 2005

Brick walls and bathrooms, Part Deux

I thought the whole poop-on-the-floor fiasco was over this morning. And it was, kinda.

Around lunchtime, I heard the roar of the bathroom fan (that thing could wake the dead). I turned around, and water was all over the floor.

My boss was washing her hands, not paying attention, when the toilet overflowed.

All over her shoes. And her feet. And her pants.

When I found her, she was in the breakroom liberally applying Lysol to the lower half of her body. I gingerly reminded her of yesterday's situation.

She was less than thrilled that I brought it up. :-D

Incidentally, I think people would appreciate our bathroom a lot more if we installed the pictured toilet. An LED light system? Very progressive.

The manufacturer's site has videos of the toilet in action. Yes, really.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

A toilet with an LED light system? Now I know what to ask for for Christmas!

1:51 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Um...okay wait. How large is this bathroom? She's washing her hands and water gets on her shoes and pants? From the toilet? Did she wash her hands for 15 minutes, and in that time the water level on the floor rose three inches? Or was water shooting out of the toilet like a super soaker?

7:49 AM  
Blogger De said...

Keep in mind the sheer flushing power available to industrial toilets. The one in the Starbucks downstairs could probably yank a janitor's broom down into the plumbing. I'd hate to see what would happen if it ever became clogged.

10:15 AM  
Anonymous m said...

I've seen one of those industrial toilets overflow. I don't know what was really in there, it looked like just a little bit of clean t.p. to me. But I decided to flush it before I used it. It overflowed. Now normalilly with a household toilet you has some time. It's like...
"No, no, no, no, please, please, please, please, stopitstopitstopitstopit ohhhhhhhhh... shit!"

But with one of those babies it's like...
"Ohhhhhh... FUCK!!!"

Then the game is to get the hell out of the little stall before you get toilet watter on your socks. (not the good kind that I would never wear because of the name)

11:02 AM  
Anonymous sandy in texas said...

ooooh! LED?
Well, I looked at the site..interesting! Listen, if you guys want one, you'd better hurry! 4 of the five colors are SOLD OUT! Only the Green left! ( I mean emerald green!)...hahaha!

12:11 PM  

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