Cranium Fun Fact Finder
If you own Cranium, raise your hand.
If you don't, run out and buy it, come home, and raise your hand. It's just that good. (There's even an office-kosher version for your desk.)
Paul and I grew up very differently. He played video games; I played board games. At family gatherings, we played (and still play) everything from Balderdash to '90s Trivial Pursuit. I eat up Games magazine's annual listings (2005, 2004, 2003). And I'm always trying to drag Paul into a tantalizing game of Mindtrap.
Since we can't all get together for a Cranium party (although you're welcome to come play with me anytime you're in Memphis!), I figured you could humor me with your fun facts. Don't think too hard.
Here are mine:
People tell me I remind them of Bubbles, the famous Powerpuff Girl. (A little tough, a little gullible, and rarely without a fluffy friend like Octi.)So ... what are your Fun Facts?If I were a cocktail, I'd be a caipirinha. (Sweet. Sour. Will knock you on your ass.)
If you and I played Mindtrap, there's no way you'd win.
I own a fur coat, but I would never wear it outside the house. (When I was about 8, I really really really wanted a fur coat. I thought they were so pretty and glamorous — and I got one for Christmas! Imagine my surprise when I found out it was made out of dead animal skins. I thought they made fur coats by shearing the animal, like wool comes from sheep. I never wore it again. ::sniffle::)
The longest stretch I've ever gone without sleeping, in hours, is 49. (I was editor in chief of a daily, planning a wedding, and cramming for finals. I aced them and graduated MCL. So there.)
People tell me I'm like Mia in the Princess Diaries books (not movies, so much) because I'm a hypochondriac, I'm very stubborn, sort of free-spirited, and she's a vegetarian (I used to be: still working on it).
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