Thursday, September 01, 2005

A few random things ...

Ugh. I just can't watch the news anymore. Mom called last night. She doesn't read my blog (thank god) but she echoed what I posted a couple of days ago. She told me it's just so hard to lose places to which we've attached memories. How do I respond to that? You can never go home again ...

Anyway, in trying to get that off my mind, I thought I'd post about all the other stuff going on in my life.

(1.) To my dear, dear friend who shall remain nameless: It is a bad idea to leave town without telling your wife. It is a worse idea to move into an apartment in which your bedroom window yields a view of your ex-girlfriend's apartment ... and then not tell your wife OR your ex-girlfriend that you can watch her.

(2.) I have reached Level 8 of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. (Or click Here, if you'd prefer it in its native Japanese.) Without giving away too much of the plot, the game is set up in a castle with 10 floors. I'm getting ready to start the 8th floor, so I'm thinking, "Hey, I'm almost done! Doing good, Kate!"

Then I hit up a walkthrough guide which informs me after the 10 floors I have to go through, like, 14 bosses or something. And when I finish "Sora's Story," then "Riku's Story" begins. Now, Riku doesn't explore the castle's 10 floors like Sora does. Instead he explores the castle's 10 basements. And among the bosses Riku has to fight is Riku. Twice.

Very Fight Club, if you ask me.

(3.) Found this on the Internet today -->

Of course, when I first started reading the box, I thought the items were related. That's generally how bullet points work -- a header followed by supporting thingies. You know:
Certainly, I can't be the only person who thinks that way. Right? Back me up here. :) Anyway, I thought it kind of offensive, implying that AC/DC fans are getting up there in years. I mean, really! Everybody knows it's Rolling Stones fans who are about to bite the dust. Duh.

(4.) Thursday has no good songs. I mean, Monday has "Manic Monday" (or "Monday, Monday"). Friday has "Friday I'm in Love." I can't think of a single Thursday song off the top of my head. If I could, I'd probably be singing it right now, as Thursdays are my favorite day of the week. Hurm.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, AC/DC has been around since like the 60s or something. different singer, but still capital OLD.

oh, and you have never told me why you like thursdays so much. care to spill the beans la senorita?

10:03 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Hmmm, damn, I actually had to consult the INTERNET to find a Thursday song: Thursday's Child (David Bowie); Thursday (Morphine); Thursday Morning (The Hollies).

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good design!
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11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
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11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work! |

11:10 AM  

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