Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Fluffy hurricane evacuees send thanks

Today, I was poking through a stack of mail marked for our editorial department when I came across a letter postmarked New Orleans. The back of it read, "This is a thank you we would like printed for help to a couple of dogs during Hurricane Katrina."

Of course, that piqued my interest. :)

The paper I work for is geared toward the business community, so unfortunately, this is out of line with what we'd normally print. But I left a note for my boss to tell her I was posting the thank-you letter on my blog. I thought it was pretty cool, and I wanted somebody other than me to see it.

I'm glad that Memphis Animal Clinic was able to shelter Dude and Specks until they could reunite with their Mom and Dad. A hurricane is a big, scary experience for humans. I suppose it must be for furry friends, too.

Anyway, the return address listed only Dude and Specks' names, so I don't know anything about their owners, other than their permanent address in Downtown New Orleans. But I do know that as soon as I can find out where they're living temporarily, two fluffy NOLA evacuees are going to get a big bag of chew toys. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous said...

gnar gnar gnar

9:05 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Awww, and there are little paw prints...that's so cute!

12:52 AM  
Blogger me/yo said...

what a cute letter! glad to hear they got reunited with their humans!

1:38 AM  

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