Friday, September 02, 2005

From MaMML to AwwaRF with LovE

CONGRATS to the MAMML team, who sent their 299-page doorstop -- err, I mean book -- to AwwaRF today.

Now, the lucky, lucky, super-lucky AwwaRF folks get to read it. Because I can't send a copy of the report to each of you, I'll give you the condensed version here:
  • Page 1: Water water, blah, blah, blah
  • Page 2: Water water, blah, blah, blah
  • Pages 4-299: Water water, blah, blah, blah
Anyway, it's out the door now, and I have temporarily reclaimed my husband from the lab just in time for a long weekend! This calls for a party!

So, to celebrate, I'm taking Paul out. We're going to have fun. Then we're going to come home and play video games, because, well, that's fun too. And because I'm much much better than him and need to lay the smack down. (See, he's been so busy that I've felt sorry for him and let him win. Yeah, that's it.)

The rest of you are not invited to our little soiree. But don't feel left out -- you can stay busy by working this exceedingly difficult water-related connect-the-dots. If you think it's going to take you a little while, you might want to print out the picture. And keep an eraser handy, just in case.

Oh -- send your well wishes (pun fully intended) to Paul. He reads all your comments, and I think he needs a pat on the back for a job well done. ^_^


Anonymous Anonymous said...

299 SINGLE spaced. GAWD.

but, lots of figures, out of a total of 299 pages, (including the preramble) there was 223 figures. Without the preramble, 263 pages, 223 figures. Most figures were a good half a page.

but, its about as dense as something can get.

im glad its done, a bit of a letdown, its kind of like, well, what am i going to do now (lots of stuff, obviously). but, ive been on phase 2 of this project (there was a phase one, and it was a 200 page report, single spaced), more or less since it began. 2 long years of hard ass work. But, ive got some killer material for my dissertation, and a LOT of experience. I know my research advisor will never read this, but i really appreciated the chance he gave me.

3:35 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Man, why did you give us such a HARD puzzle? I'm going to put off doing my homework until I figure it out!

PS-[insert a pat on the back for Paul]

7:27 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Me am Monstee!
Me no give pats for job well done!
But me do think him do deserve some well wish for all good work he do and coming out of it alive. So me go to long lengths and find specialized joke just for likes of him.

Two lab assistants were conducting an automated analysis experiment. The first assistant busied himself with setting up the super-serpentine coils, but kept complaining about the hardship of inserting the large OD Tefzel into the smaller ID PP tubing. The second assistant looked over the labs collection of FIA tubing and suggested using a different attachment to the peristaltic pump. Upon hearing this, the first assistant shoves the tubes up his nose, starts pulling his hair out and dancing around the lab making a sound like a hyperactive monkey. The second assistant yells "I said PEEK not FREAK!"


1:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


monstee, you are a true comedian.

p.s. thats also true

2:19 PM  

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