Thursday, September 29, 2005

"It is of no concern to you!"

Every day on my twice-a-day commute, I pass this place called Malani Enterprise. It's a fairly obscure building surrounded by mechanics' shops and small warehouses.

But it's the sign outside that catches my eye. It reads:

For months I've been driving by this place, trying to figure out the connection between candies, motor oil, and medicine. Today, my curiosity got the best of me, so I called them up. A woman answered ...
Her: "Malani Enterprise."

Me: "Hi there! I was wondering what kind of business you're in ... what you sell."

Her: "Are you a business owner? We only work with businesses."

Me: "No, I'm not a business owner. I just drive by your place every day..."

Her (cutting me off): "IT IS OF NO CONCERN TO YOU!"

Me: "Well I just ..."

Her (realizing how that must have sounded): "We only work with other businesses, so if you do not own a business, there is no reason for you to be asking about us or calling us, because we cannot help you."

Me: "Um, okay."
I felt like I was having a phone conversation with the frickin' Soup Nazi. Candy, motor oil, and medicine my ass. I wonder what really goes on in that building.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

give me their phone number, AND ILL GET SOME SOUP!

10:18 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

DAMN! Now I'm curious. Maybe I'll call and tell them I run a small store that sells a little of everything (See? Then they'd have to give me more information).

There's a used car lot we pass on the way to our house, and it's ALWAYS crawling with people (men) most times of day and night. I've never seen them sell a car though. I'm guessing drugs. They NEVER sell a car!

7:34 AM  
Blogger De said...

Time to get that Lois Lane Nosy Reporter refresher training, Kate :-)

10:54 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Ah, the only episode of Seinfeld I ever liked....

2:12 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

So they are the ones that make that screwed up Halloween candy, right?!?

6:18 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Hey kids...
Do you like roller skating?
Do you like disco music?
Do you like to fish?

Then come on down to Bob's Roller Disco Fish-o-rama!
Located conveniently between MALANI ENTERPRISE (CANDIES - MOTOR OIL - MEDICINE) and The Ice Cream, Fireworks, Puppy Dog Store!
Just down the street from Aunt Shirley's Tombstone Etching, Pan Seasoning and Lamination Express!!
Yes, that Bob's Roller Disco Fish-o-rama!
Mention this add and get a free shave!

1:08 AM  

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