Microsoft Teach Me to Talk Real Good-Like
I laughed. Then I taught her how to take a screenshot and e-mail it to me. (My fault the quality is subpar, but you should be able to read it.)
Observe the wonders of Word grammar:
So next time you aren't sure how to "talk real good," check a dictionary. Or Strunk & White. Or a 4th grade English textbook.
Anything but Word. ::grins::
Hmmmm... could be the victim of a practical joke. I few years ago I ran across a book of really mean tricks to play on people you hate. Not fun practical jokes, just mean stuff that that you can sit back and laugh at. One of them was a list of commonly misspelled words. I cant remember any right now, but they were along the lines of "teh adn btu". There were some bigger words and common contractions, but the point was to type all of these misspellings into a text document and save it to disk. Then, when your victim is away from their computer you pop in the disk, bring up the text document, run a spell check and ADD all of the misspellings to their dictionary. That way, next time they have one of the misspelled words and run a spell check, it doesn't catch it and they are forever doomed to endure a faulty spellchecker. HAHAHAHAH!!!!
(until they figure it out and reset the dictionary)
If only I was a complete jerk, I would do that on one of the school computers.
Maybe tommorow.
Any way you look at it, you probably IS getting the best of both worlds. Now play some Van Hagar!
It's a song of theirs...
Yeah, they pretty much sucked.
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