Saturday, September 10, 2005

P-P-P-Powerbook lovin'

I thought I'd post this for everyone's amusement. Found it on the Internet. It's called Thesis Stress.

Anyone been through/going through the doctorate process that can verify the validity of this animation? Lord knows I get frustrated, and I'm only the wife of a Ph.D. candidate. ::shrugs::

Also, I don't know why I've never posted about P-P-P-Powerbook before. I can say I was actually following this as it happened, and it's like an Internet legend now! :)

Basic premise: Guy puts his friend's G4 Powerbook on eBay, receives an e-mail trying to scam him through fake escrow, and decides to turn the tables on the scammer. The results: A three-ring binder lovingly crafted into the "P-P-P-Powerbook," complete with hand-drawn screen and a self-assembled keyboard. Photos are on the main site; photos and story are here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


god damn that was awesome. i swear, the goons are just about near the best thing on the intermegasuperhighwayweb

4:32 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Man, the animation guy isn't taking very good care of his computer. Or his teeth.

12:15 AM  

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