Two questions (and a bonus)
(1.) Let's say you're in a situation where you know you're right and have proof to back it up. At what point (or in what situations) would you press the issue versus letting it slide to avoid confrontation? Assume the issue is relatively small and the only stakes are one's personal pride and/or reputation.
BONUS QUESTION: What would you do if you were 92 years old and in the last 16 years had won two multimillion-dollar jackpots playing Megabucks slots in Vegas? Your first jackpot was $4.6 million; your second was $21.1 million. How would you spend it? Remember ... you're 92 years old.
question 1: pride, pfft, whatever. Reputation is a different matter. Reputation can go a long way, other jobs' impression of you from previous employer based on bosses rec's. Pride is only dealing with yourself, who cares.
question 2: Take the phat cash, and invest in a conservative market account or something. Even at 3% a year, thats 4 mill a year, without touching the principle, for the rest of your life.
question 3: probably set up a nice college fund for grand kids, then give the rest to a university to build a building, set up a research fund, and put my name on that building and fund.
a) depends on who the person is. if i don't like them/they're the kind of person who always has and always will get there way, press the issue. if not, let it slide. i'd rather be loved than right.
b)lump sum and invest half of it in C.D.s. donate a quarter of it to various disease research and charities, maybe build and orphanage or something, and spend the rest of it travelling the world with people who are close to me, and just experiencing life to the fullest.
c)give part of it to family (trust funds for grandchildren, etc), about half of it to charities/religious organizations, save about 4 mil for myself to spend my last few years LIVING THE LIFE! After I die, whatever is left, donate to a church/build a church
Being from an extremely contentious family, I would just let it go because they are never, never wrong.
Take the lump sum and make me and my family free from financial worry.
Try to make my aging parents remaining time better with one on one care for them. Be more comfortable in my "golden years". Find a church more interested in helping mankind than building a new building.
Okay, I'll play:
(1) At work, I'll push it sometimes, even if that just entails a blind CC to my boss in an email proving I'm right but I'm letting the other person (an author perhaps) have his or her way. At home, I usually let it slide on the rare occasions it comes up. It's better to be happy than right.
(2) Take the phat cash, and invest in a conservative market account or something. Even at 3% a year, thats 4 mill a year, without touching the principle, for the rest of your life. Yeah, that works for me too.
(3) Leave it to the family in some way that's fair to everybody. Then maybe a final fling with a woman 1/5 my age (18.4 years old). (C'mon, I'm 92 and I still play the slots in Vegas? I can't be completely uninterested in the opposite sex!)
(1.) I have a really bad habit of just letting things go, so I'm a bad person to ask.
(2.) Lump sum and definitely wait. Things must be done like disconnect the phone, hire an attorney, and find another place to live temporarily.
(B.Q.) At 92, that kind of money would probably go toward establishing the De Baisch Scholarship Fund for Champion Belchers.
Wow... we are really an altruistic bunch, aren't we.
1. Personal pride and/or reputation... depends on the person. Friends and family.. heck, let them think their right... unless it's like completely stupid like... psychic healing where they supposedly stick their hand inside you body and pull out tumors and then don't leave a mark on your skin and then six months later you die anyway. On the other hand, it the person who is wrong is and enemy or jerk we don't like... crush them with the truth that only I can prove!!! ..unless it's like completely stupid like... psychic healing where they supposedly stick their hand inside you body and pull out tumors and then don't leave a mark on your skin and then six months later you die anyway.
2. Lump sum and horde it!!! "Who are you? Do I know you? No... I don't remember anyone named 'mother' in the family." Nah... that's a joke sun! I would start a foundation type trust fund for my entire family and friends that would pay all bills for utilities and medical, allow a set amount for housing and food, pay for any and all education, and allow so much for a new car every so often. NOW, if you want more than that... get a job you bum! (You see that way whatever money they earn they get to keep and spend just on themselves!)
3. 3 simple words... Anna Nicole Smith! ...oh and viagra, lots and lots of viagra!!!
1.) I would totally press an issue when it involved me or a close friend...I had to stand up for me and a friend of mine here recently...the issue was relatively small, but looking at the whole picture now- someone else hurt a friend's feeling damnit! The person I confronted I don't know very well, and I could've just walked away- but she messed with my friend! I bite!
2.)I would only wait long enough to get an attorney and to let friends know I'll be out of town for a few days! I would take the lump sum.....draw interest and buy a bar on a tropical island!
3.) If I had grandchildren I'd set up some accounts for them... prepay and plan my funeral (no one else will want to do this I'm sure!), TRAVEL! and give to charities...
I think that's about it!
FF said...
Wow... we are really an altruistic bunch, aren't we.
yes, i would like to think so, what the hell am i going to do with 4 mill a year. You can run a pretty awesome lab on 100,000 grand a year as is, so make it 200,000 grand a year for a lab, yay for independant research, with no worries about money or agencies. So, thats 3.8 mill left, PER YEAR. buy a house, for cash the first year. i mean seriously, 4 mill a year is a lot of money.
and thats all without touching the principle. So its 4 mill a year for hte rest of your life. if i won it now, give my self another 40-50 years to live, thast lik e 160mill- 200mill to live my life on. Its not like i would be buying something new and crazy expensive every year for hte rest of my life.
hell, even as much as i dislike churches, i would probably throw some money that way too. At least they have infrastructure to help out the poor, with way more manpower than i do.
So, miss "altruistic bunch" what would you do?
Since you asked.
I would set up the trust funds and jazz for the family. Give some money to churches and other religious organizations. Then I would set up a foundation to educate needy kids and their families. [instert personal soapbox speech] You can throw all of the scholarship money or funding to schools and kids that you want, but until you educate the parents and strengthen families.. you really won't put a dent in the problem.
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