Thursday, September 22, 2005

A very depressing post

(1.) Here are 240 reasons why drugs are bad. (Mmmkay?)

(2.) Famous last words (along with famous obituaries, wills, etc.).

(3.) Suicide notes of famous people.

In totally unrelated news, but just as depressing, my wrist hurts really bad. I'd been putting off posting about it because I was kind of hoping it would go away on its own. But it's been killing me for well over a week now.

If you will gaze now upon the man in the picture who is not me, you will see where it hurts and where it's swollen. Except it's on the other hand. You will also see a nifty wrist brace (which I don't own) and a really cool Kate-drawn belly button tattoo. Yay!!

Okay, so the real reason this picture is here is because I wanted to post Mr. Funny-Looking Shirtless Man-Dood Who Is Apparently Saying The Pledge Of Allegiance And Gazing Upon ... Nothing.

I called yesterday to make an appointment with Bourland, Paul's hand doctor. My reasoning: I'm 25 years old and my four favorite hobbies involve my wrist. I want to stave off any real problems before they start. Bourland can't see me until after my vacation (which is a mere two weeks away now). I am to RICE it until then.

But see, that whole RICE thing is a problem. I can Ice it, and I can Compress it ... but I kind of have issues with Resting and Elevating. To rest/elevate would be to give up my editing. And my gaming. And my piano-ing. And my e-mailing and blogging and other things that require the use of my hand.

... It's going to be a long month.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very Nice blog. Keep it up.

I found this blog on detector for cellphones .

I think it is a good thing that someone is educating us all on detector for cellphones. Simply PRICELESS!

Imagine giving someone you love the opportunity to LIVE by giving them the proper stuff on detector for cellphones TODAY.

9:31 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

::hugs:: It's no fun to have wrist problems as a musician, been there done that. Hope you find the time to relax it and elevate it. But inquiring minds wonder...HOW DO YOU ELEVATE YOUR WRIST? Hold it on top of your head? Dance the Hokey Pokey? Raise your hand if you're sure?

Don't mind me. Take it easy though, ok girl? And think of me, 6 hours to your east (err...maybe that's weast?) in Jacksonville while you are in Destin. :)

11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous (a real anonymous and not monstee or you husband) said...

This am nice blog here! Me like what you have to say.

It make me laugh a lot! Me am definitely going to bookmark you site!

Me also laugh a lot at this blog.

Some people think it am geeky, dweeby, nerdy lame-ass site, but you see for youself.

12:47 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

That guy's neck scares me.

1:23 AM  
Blogger De said...

Maybe the flag is off camera?

9:00 AM  
Blogger me/yo said...

sorry to hear about your wrist! yah, let us know how you are supposed to "elevate" your wrist!
I like your additions to the hunk photo! Very informative and colorful! Maybe he's having a heart attack? or heart burn?? We may never know......


1:41 PM  

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