Saturday, September 17, 2005

Where everybody knows your name ...

Adam, meet Abby. Abby, meet Adam.


I found this out last night when Abby IMd me saying I had freaked her out by posting a pic of the AS guys in my blog.

This once again proves that Memphis is the biggest small town ever. One million people, and you can't go anywhere without seeing somebody you know.

Which means that every time you walk out your door, you fear bumping into your ex or your therapist or the illegal aliens who mow your neighbor's lawn.

Or Prince Mongo. Or John Ford.

Or, in Abby's case, the guy on which you had your first crush. (He knows, doesn't he?)

/me ducks and runs


Anonymous Anonymous said...


lolz, he does now

1:14 AM  
Anonymous Hollywood said...

cross your fingers and we might only have to run into john ford at the penal farm on visiting days.

2:39 PM  

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