Monday, September 26, 2005

Wil, Hil, Jewelry and Voodoo

First things first: Congrats to my coworker, Jennifer, and her hubby, Gordon, on the birth of the birth of their twin boys! Everybody say hello to "Wilson Gordon" and "Hildreth Parker" (whom I assume will be called Wil and Hil). ::grins::

I had a fairly uneventful weekend (other than steaming over Jeremy and Sara, as I posted earlier). Paul and I did a whole lotta nothin' — and it felt good. I napped liberally.

I did buy a pretty cool necklace, which you can view in the closed and open positions. The super-special bonus was that I had a gift certificate, so I only had to pay the cost of shipping. Schweet! ^_^

I'll post more about the Voodoo Music Fest when it gets closer, but I will now direct your attention to the icon on the left-hand side of your browser. (You may imagine me saying that in my best flight attendant voice.) Basically, New Orleans' awesomely awesomest Halloween-weekend music festival has been relocated to Memphis. All proceeds go to hurricane relief. So ... good concert, good cause. I can't lose.

There are no fewer than fifteen bands that I'd like to see, including (but not limited to) Nine Inch Nails, The Flaming Lips, New York Dolls (Mmmm), Queens of the Stone Age, and Billy Idol. Also, I'd like to check out ex-Grateful Dead's Mickey Hart and his Voodoo Drum Circle.

But the best part: Cake will be there, so I can stop kicking myself for not going alone (without Matt, without Paul) to their concert in Nashville in June.


Blogger FF said...

Wil and Hil.. that is better than Willy and Hilly.

haha. I need a vacation.

7:11 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Aww, cute babies :)

8:34 PM  
Blogger me/yo said...

beautiful babies!
I LOVE that necklace! Very pretty!
Man, I wish I could go to the Voodoo Music Fest!! I know you'll have a blast!

11:26 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Their next set of twins will be Phil and Jill...then Bill and um, Mil (as in Milly).

7:44 AM  

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