Thursday, October 20, 2005

The beatings will continue until morale improves

I wouldn't post this if I thought that my coworker would mind, but she has a good sense of humor, so I don't think it could hurt.

This was sent out via company e-mail today:

It's about time we have a company eating, moral building, trying different dishes "get together". This wonderfully fun eating smorgasbord will be held on Monday, October 31st.

Within moments, the senior editor and I had swapped e-mails (apparently we sent them within seconds of each other):

"I wonder how the company plans to build its employees' morals at this get-together?"

The original sender soon sent out a correction, but I still think we could center the buffet around company morals:
  • Virtuous veggie platter
  • Faithful finger sandwiches
  • Pizza with principles
  • Righteous Rotel dip
  • Ethical egg salad
  • Cookies with credibility
Sounds much more enlightening than any ole Halloween party!


Blogger Monstee said...

Guess that explains it. Me check in fridge and all me have for leftovers am:

Lusty Leg of Lamb
Gluttonous Gizzards
Greedy Guts
Slothful Salami
Wrathful Water buffalo
Envious E. Coli
Prideful Pastrami

2:06 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Something I didn't know until today: alliterations build ethics.

1:05 PM  

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