Thursday, October 06, 2005

Book alert!

My book has gone to press.

By the time I leave for Florida, I will be a published anthologist.

ISBN-10: 0-066074475; ISBN-13: 978-0-966074-47-5. Retail price is $14.95. More details to come when I calm down a bit. :-)


Blogger smacky said...

Sorry your first response had to be a spam from "Rod."

Congratulations, Kate! That's awesome!!! Where may one see more about this book (besides the archives of your blog)? Who is the publisher, again?

Is the woman about to club the other woman with a watermelon? I can't tell in the small version of the cover.

Kick ass! All this and a trip to the beach. Yee haw!

7:21 AM  
Blogger me/yo said...

Congrats Kate! Funny cover! Yeah, where can we read more??

1:13 PM  
Blogger De said...


7:18 PM  

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