Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Eyes on the prize, Kate...

It took the doctor's office nearly eight hours to call me back on Monday ... but I felt vindicated. They agreed it was the flu (even though flu season hasn't officially begun). Turns out it's going around Paul's department, so we're not alone.

My fever peaked at 102.6 F Monday night. I'm still running a (slight) fever. Don't tell my boss.

I went into work for about three hours tonight after the place cleared out. I'm racing the clock now because I leave for Florida in a few days, and I've got to finish a few things before I go. I'll be back there bright and early in the morning. We'll see if I can make it until 5 p.m. before passing out on my keyboard.

That's the worst part about the flu. Having succumbed to the annual epidemic for the last three years, I can say from experience that the exhaustion lasts far longer than the symptoms. Of course, I go back to work as soon as I can (Walking germ factory? Who me?), but I don't feel up to par for a while after that.

The CDC says the exhaustion can last three or four weeks. Maybe some time on the beach will be just the remedy I need. ^_^

P.S. Monstee's poem made me cry. Stupid sweet poem. Stupid fever. ::grins::


Blogger smacky said...

Late to the sick party, but I hope you recover soon. Enjoy the beach!

7:37 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Me no mean to make you cry...
Me was trying to be silly... here!

Get well soon,
you bloody baboon.
Hope you feel better,
you silly bed wetter!

There. Cry at THAT!
Me dare you!

1:22 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Oh Kate! Do you need me to pour out some more dayquil on the sidewalk?

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Bianca said...

u published a book!?! heh, u wur always the more persistent one..

1:54 AM  

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