Saturday, October 29, 2005

Goddess painting numero dos

Have I mentioned that I'm keeping my hands busy until I know whether I'm going to need surgery? That's the deal with the sudden flux of weekend paintings, in case you were wondering.

This is what I did in between playing CoV last night/this morning. Took way longer than I intended because the canvas was so damn big. And since it was too big to fit on the scanner, Paul took a photo of it for me. That's why there's a hair plastered across the middle of it. It's not actually part of the painting. ::grins::

Last night, I was working on the water, and I just couldn't get it to my liking, so I started blending with my finger. Paul looked over and said, "What the heck are you doing?" I said, "I dunno ... it works for me." I guess I'm kind of glad I've never had an art class or anything, because nobody's ever told me what I can and can't do. I mean, hell, I blend my makeup with my fingers, so why not paint??

Happy Saturday, boys and girls. ^_^


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

As was the last goddess, she's beautiful. Not that I understand HOW a hair got plastered to her in the process of photography, however... :) ;P

1:57 AM  
Anonymous m said...

uh... li... pu...


OK, so maybe it's due to my ex being an art major, or me having my tiny bit of artistic talent that I once nourished before I found hard-core math... but WTF? I'm speechless.

Of course you can blend with your finger!!! Art is freedom of expression! You could blend with your dick if you had one! I saw a guy once who did a whole set of paintings with nothing but a set of silverware. Blending with a fork looks wild!

Your stuff is great by the way!

1:03 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

She is beautiful :)

1:43 PM  

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