A Halloween story straight from the depths of hell
Right off the bat, I spied a tiger Beanie Baby circa 2000, when Mom was still in her "collect everything with beans in its butt" phase. I reached up to grab it ...
... and awoke this beast. My god. Does anybody remember the 1998 Furby Fever? It is rumored that on Christmas Eve '98, black market Furbies retailed for $500. Anybody willing to pay $500 for one of these little monsters has never turned the damn thing on.
So I was standing in my closet and heard this mechanical buzz, and right away, I knew it was the creepy-ass eyes of my Furby coming to life. I groaned.
"Dada!" I gritted my teeth. Not only had I roused the spawn of Satan, but he couldn't even get my gender right. "Me play! Me play!" I grabbed the tiger plushie and the Furby and headed downstairs, where I was greeted with chuckles from my husband. Clearly, he did not recognize the seriousness of this situation.
Once these things turn on, you can never ever turn them off. Fire and brimstone could rain down from heaven, the avian flu could wipe out the human population, nuclear war could destroy the Earth in one fell swoop. And when the smoke cleared and the rubble settled, there would stand a thousand Furbies, giggling and saying, "Hey kah mee-mee ay-tay wah," which, according to the Furbish-English dictionary, means, "Hey, I very happy yeah!"
I covered Furby's freaky third eye thing-a-ma-jig. Paul started laughing, prompting Furby to exclaim, "Big noise! Me scared!" Thanks for insulting my husband with one of the four English phrases you've "learned" in the past seven years. I changed tactics and covered Furby's entire face with my hand.
Then I sat. And waited.
Finally, after a full two minutes, Furby demanded in his sickeningly sweet voice, "Wee-tee kah way-loh," ("Sing me sleep.") I refused to oblige.
And two more minutes later, he finally stated, "Baby tired. Me sleep!" I breathed a sigh of relief as he started to snore, a sound that can only be described as a fart followed by a shudder. And then, as quickly as his mechanical eyes had whirred open, they whirred shut again, leaving me alone in the darkened kitchen with a pile of cat poop cookies.
I cried myself to sleep. I didn't sign up for this.
we need to see what kind of dough we could get for that god-forsaken abomination. (seriously)
also, the whole, security threat thing later discovered was also hilarious. I should take that thing to school and drive everyone nuts ^__________^
so you are going to buy me another one right!??! so they can talk to each other. it will be SOOOO CUTE
I dated a girl that insisted on having these damned things around. Nothing like being snapped out of a make-out session by Furbyspeak.
I ALWAYS thought those were disturbing...
I SWEAR TO GOD this is true. My niece use to have one of these little homunculi a while back and got frustrated that she couldn't spend enough time with it to "lean" stuff. So someone went out a got her another one of those little chunks of fairy vomit and the damn thins did indeed start talking to each other. After a week of two of leaving them to each other they started making up new sentences that nobody had heard before. I was the only one willing to look up what the evil little things were saying. I can't be sure, but I think the damn things went feral. For example:
kah boo/may may u-nye (literal: I no love you. Interpret: I hate you)
u-nye boo/e-day koo-doh a-loh/may-lah ( literal: you no good health cloud. Interpret: You are a fart/ You farted.)
so yeah...i just found out that if i get two furbies together, they will talk all day.
that makes me a sad big brown, because during the day is when i get all my bearty sleep.
AAANNNNNDDD, i already have two. but after learning they talk a lot, i told my ms. kate to not bring the other down
my parents tried to buy me a furby when they were all the rage. that motherfucker went back to target before it could even start speaking in its satanic language.
Me love Furby.... Teriyaki & Hoisin am best, but they also good all day crock pot thing.
haha angry very funny..personally i couldn't keep one around cause twould be a waste of money once it pushed my buttons and ended up taking a widowmaker in its face..
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