Thursday, October 06, 2005

Miles to go before I sleep...

This is the life. I'm sitting here, noshing on a ginormous cherry sno-cone — for which I made a special trip after work — and spinning around in little circles in my green plaid-upholstered office chair. I'm listening to this. I've been playing with this.

Tomorrow, after the eight-hour grind filling in for my out-of-town boss, Paul and I will drive to Destin. Little bro-in-law is moving in to watch the house. Should be a cakewalk because we have no pets and all my plants died.

Biggest obstacle between Memphis and Florida: The playlist. Yes, that's right. We've got 10 hours of dead space to fill with iPoddy goodness. I've loaded up 25 gigs of music (5,000 songs ... 179 hours of Coast to Coast ... the entire retroCRUSH archives [thanks, Smacky!] ... minibosses stuff ... etc.). I think we'll find plenty of stuff to amuse ourselves, but it's difficult sorting through 25 gigs to find what we want. ::grins::

I haven't packed. I haven't cleaned out my car. I haven't bought Dramamine. I haven't even decided what I'm going to wear. I suppose I should quit posting and start getting ready.

In a minute. This sno-cone is damn good.

P.S. Book is being published by a local imprint, Kerlak Publishing. There's a very small amount of info here. Unfortunately, the publishers have been AFK all summer (what? They have real lives? No way...) so I haven't seen press releases or promo copies. I assume that, since I edit for them now and again, they'll probably want me to write the press release. Sure. Whatever.

The books will be available at Barnes and Noble, Waldenbooks, Amazon ... pretty much any place that stocks Ingram imprints. It'll set ya back $14.95. There are an even 50 stories, I believe, including one that's about poop. No, really. The first line is "Josh liked to poop," and it must have the word poop in it a hundred times. (Out of a thousand words, a hundred "poops" is a lot of poop.)


Blogger angrygrrface said...

As soon as I go to work today, I am seriously going to order this in for the bookstore.

2:55 PM  

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