Friday, October 21, 2005

SASM goes global :)

Just a very short book-related post. I got the proof tonight. It's gorgeous! :-) Fixing a couple of minor things on the proof (funky margins, anybody?), but the presses should be rolling on the official too-late-to-make-any-changes run next week. (Nov. 1 is probably a safe date to quote.) Also, the book has been picked up by Baker & Taylor for UK/European distribution.

If I weren't so gosh-darn tired, I'd take a picture of me holding the book. Eh, maybe tomorrow.

But, really. I didn't expect this little imprint to take me international. I'm ecstatic. ^_^


Blogger angrygrrface said...

Congrats! But Baker and, do I ever hate their website. Unless you know the exact ISBN number, it takes forever to find anything on their site.

Still, though. Congrats!

[end tangent]

2:27 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Congrats! You've been published in the US already though, right? I can pick up your book somewhere? I soooo need to go buy it. :) Then I can say gee, I knew Kate back when...

:) :) :)

12:27 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Book isn't out in the U.S., like I thought it would be while I was in Florida. No biggie — I'm glad Allan waited because there was something I realized got deleted, and that would've been lame. (Not bad, just lame.)

I know Allan has an "in" with Amazon (as in, "I called up Teresa and asked if she was interested in a mystery, and she said they were selling big this year..."). But I'm not seeing it up on Amazon/BN/etc. yet. If it's anything like the last book I copy edited, the book won't go live on their sites until they get notification they're on the way to the warehouse (or however that works).

You're probably going to have to order the book from your local bookstore and have it shipped in (or just order it online and have it shipped to your house). I have a feeling the brick-and-mortars won't stock a first-time book from a no-name author under a small imprint ... even if it's distributed by a biggie.

Sorry for the comment ... didn't feel like making a whole new post about it. :)

1:14 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Hmmm, I'll just have to look into getting it here. And delivery to the house is always the preferred option, since I'm such a bum homebody.

8:49 AM  

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