Monday, October 24, 2005

Welcome to "Fallinter"

It's commonly known that Memphis doesn't really have an "autumn" (at least, not in the conventional sense of the word). Instead, we have this freak season that's mostly winter, but with a sprinkling of warm days in between just to keep things interesting.

I call this "fallinter."

When I turned on the news this morning, the local temperature was 36, with a wind chill of 34. I love it. If I'm cold, I'm happy. I've got friends in NYC and Vancouver, and I seriously think it's about time we move somewhere with more snow and less everything else. There are other reasons to move. New York has, well, everything Memphis doesn't. Vancouver has Daiso AND it's out of the States. It's a toss-up.

Anyway, the pic is of our house during the last "big snow" in Memphis. This was a major deal getting that much snow! For real! We even built a snowman — here's a closeup and here's a pic for scale. ::grins::

Sigh. Maybe that dude that said the Japanese mafia was battering the U.S. via weather manipulation was right. Or maybe he's just crazy. :-Þ

P.S. Book availability:
Barnes and Noble: Available (no pic yet)
Amazon and alibris: Behind the times ;)
First preorder I know of: Beaner!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man, this was just the laugh i needed, and fallinter is so so true.

also, it took me like 15 min to build mr snowman, and my hands got frostbitten or something!

10:52 PM  
Blogger me/yo said...

I looked for your snowman pic. "for scale" and I narly peed when I FINALLY found him! I'm all, "where is her snowman?".. hahahaha! looks like the snowfalls here in Texas!

1:41 PM  

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