Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The branding of the idiot

The Glenn Beck Program — at least on local radio — is promoting itself using clips from Green Day's "American Idiot." Have they ever listened to the song? Is this supposed to be some sort of lame attempt at humor?

If you have no idea what this guy espouses, you can see Wiki for details. From a purely technical standpoint, Beck makes for good radio — he's funny and edgy. But after a few minutes, his overt and cynical conservative humor leaves me gritting my teeth.

We independents don't really have a home on talk radio these days. The choices are the EIB Network and Air America. I cringe at both.

In his defense, Beck is still nowhere as offensive as Savage. Now there's a good example of idiocy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of savage, he had a sub on, monday i think, where the dude was basically saying torture is a.o.k.

i simply shudder at the thought of people like michael savage and rush limbaugh, and lets be honest, throw in randy roads and the late night dude on air america getting such airtime, because quite frankly, they spew large amounts of shit.

Shit that is bought hook, line and sinker by the majority of this country.

11:40 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Ugh. I more than cringe.

1:30 AM  
Blogger Pat Angello said...

I cringe at both as well. I really cringe at the completely over-rated Green Day garbage. Sorry, but they kinda suck!

10:03 AM  
Blogger De said...

Is NPR an option at all?

8:50 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Depending on the time of day I'm driving home, NPR could be classical music ... or Marketplace ... or All Things Considered. Marketplace is great. All Things Considered is almost great. And classical music is totally out because I'll fall asleep. (Unless I'm playing something classical on my piano. I've never fallen asleep at the piano.)

Generally, I only listen to the radio for the traffic reports. I'd prefer to keep the iPod in all the time. I listen to the radio until I catch the first traffic report, then get back to my playlist. :)

9:24 PM  

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