Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I know the changes are coming. They've already started.

Sometimes I ride my lifeboat through the storms, feeling myself thrown about, sure I'm going to topple at any moment under the sheer power of the wind and waves. Every ounce of my being is focused on keeping myself upright, and most of the time, I come out unscathed.

Sometimes I ride my lifeboat through calm weather, dangling my toes overboard into the brine, basking in the sunshine as it passes between wispy clouds. And when I look up, I realize that I've drifted away from the dock when I wasn't paying attention because I thought I was secure.

And nights like tonight, I am somewhere in between. In flux. I am lazing away even as the storm approaches. I see the people on the shore, the ones keeping an eye on me, but I can't make out their faces. And when I finally come to rest, finally step foot on solid ground once again, I am always surprised who's waited it out for me and who's moved on.


Blogger angrygrrface said...

Kate, I know I always say this, but you know that if you need to talk or something, I'm here for you.


11:12 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

ditto on that. ::hugs::

11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hay hay hay, you guys better not be moving in on mah womang.

i tell you dis, we be like [i]this[/i], and not [u]this[/u]!!!

also, does floating in the ocean with noodles count as a boat, because if so, then i get to float with you!

11:44 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Dr. anonymous, me no think you need to worry about them girls. Then no trying to move in on yo womang... but me am! You know she am closet furrie right? Yep, she one crazy night away from being full blown outted furvert!

Whether floating, riding or hanging on for dear life, you both always welcome to paddle you way over to me little island. It not much. Bout twenty feet round and only one palm tree, but it give plenty of shade and bananas and water balloons and steak sandwiches and lots of other stuff... but NO COCONUTS!
With me there, last thing little island need am more nuts!


1:44 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Is this a metaphor? Where's the nearest body of water in Memphis?

(lame humor attempt)

7:27 AM  

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