Monday, November 14, 2005

Happiness is finding a pencil...

9 Things That Made Me Happy Today:
  1. Getting a compliment on my new glasses from somebody I didn't think would notice.
  2. Wearing glittery pink penguin socks and patent leather Mary Janes to work.
  3. Grocery shopping without an anxiety attack.
  4. This picture of Paul, taken in the car. He was out like a light.
  5. Being offered a cup of squash soup because I didn't have time to get lunch.
  6. Buying my first case of Abita since Matt left Memphis.
  7. Beating the Bunny Chow master this morning (though he totally owned me tonight).
  8. Watching an all-new episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, to which I've recently become addicted.
  9. And last -- but certainly not least -- being back in my own bed. ^_^
Fair enough?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

not so much ^_^

12:45 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...


2:04 AM  
Blogger De said...

Grocery shopping without an anxiety attack.

Hence why I almost never do any grocery shopping.

9:03 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

No wonder Mr. Bear is all stinky!!! Does Mr. Paul drool on him while he sleeps?!?!?

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont drool, thx

10:16 PM  

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    Life, liberty, and the pursuit of Woody
    Impromptu road trip!
    Socks and glasses
    Lemon + milk = curds
    The implosion was amazing
    When we are gone, it'll still go on
    Just wait 'til Monday morning
    Fish out of water