Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Horoscope Thanksgiving Side Dishes

This site proclaims to know which side dishes you should bring to a Thanksgiving dinner, based on your astrological sign. I get candied yams and cranberry fruit salad. Paul gets wild rice with cranberries and pecans and orange-pomegranate relish.

He said his sounded pretty awful. What are your side dishes, and do you agree?


Blogger De said...

Which sign do I have to be in order to bring a kick in the balls for my idiot brother?

2:14 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Me was born under sign of "Beware of Monsters!"

Soooooooo... reading between lines in article me think that me need to bring barrel scum and lawn clippings!


2:50 PM  
Anonymous m said...

I was born on the cusp, so I guess I need to bring Macaroni Stuffing with Parmesan Cheese Topping & Fig-Walnut Gravy

uh, yuck.

2:55 PM  
Anonymous reaper said...

raw steak, anyone? ;)

6:30 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

June 7.

Wild Rice with Cranberries and Pecans & Orange-Pomegranate Relish


6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

both sides sounded pretty awful to me, taurus/gemini. ugh

i hope macaroni + (half chedder, half velveeta) is earthy ^_^

11:53 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Mmm, now THAT sounds good. We here are fixing the dressing, since my grandmother makes stuffing (which I find very blah!)

9:44 AM  

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