Wednesday, November 02, 2005

How many days til Christmas?

I think it's never too early to start wishlisting for Christmas. (Did I just invent a word? No, not Christmas, doofus. I mean "wishlisting." Is that a word?)

Mom and Dad always ask what I want for the holidays and I never have a good answer. Then January rolls around and I think of a few things I'd never buy for myself. This year will be different! I have a list to print out and carry around until somebody asks me what I want. ^_^
I'd also just accept some time with friends. It's been two years since GoatMeat and one year since GraceLAN. (How time flies!) I have seen Woody since then, but it was under exigent circumstances. At some point I'll drag Paul out of the lab long enough to go visit Johnny or the good doctor. Why oh why does my circle of villainy extend so far away?

I've also got to come up with gifts for a couple dozen online buddies. Anyone have suggestions for what I should get you guys??


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

A plane ticket to Memphis??? :)

And if that is non-affordable, I never got any of the Star Wars Encyclopedias I wanted so I can kick ass on roleplay.

7:15 PM  
Blogger FF said...

I would like a boyfriend. I have a long list of qualifications, though.

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would like to be done with my phd

11:11 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Good call with Get Fuzzy. Pretty obvious I like it too, calling myself Smacky...

7:07 AM  
Blogger De said...

Christmas came early with the RetCon site setup. I can't even begin to thank you enough, Kate.

9:15 AM  

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