Friday, November 11, 2005

Impromptu road trip!

Paul and I are taking an impromptu road trip to Indy to see Woody. We called his work to see if he was going to be there tomorrow, and now we're just going to ... show up. ::grins::

Turns out the M-Cave is on our route. Anybody have greetings they want to send Monstee in person? At your request, I can hug him and/or kick him in the fuzzy blue nads. Let me know.


Blogger De said...

Monstee has nads?

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real question is, are they shorn?

12:25 PM  
Anonymous this am different anonymous that am NOT Monstee said...

That guy! Me hate that guy! You need pull big trick on that guy! You need show up, hug & kiss & flirt REAL BIG with that guy. Give him lots of money and stuff. Like, sign over power of attorney and stuff. Offer to like hatch him children and stuff. Then, when he say something strange like "Afghanistan banana stand", you like go "Gotta go, bye!" and just leave!

Man, that be really good trick on guy like him.

...especially flirting and money stuff.

3:33 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Gasp! You should give him a hug from me! (Try not to get any blue hair on your sweater.)

10:51 PM  

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