Friday, November 04, 2005

Just wait 'til Monday morning

I don't like sunflowers. It's not that I'm scared of them, but I just find them incredibly repugnant. One of my coworkers found out and spread the word ... and now this sign is posted on the bathroom door across from my closet.

The thing is that it's on the inside of the door so I can see it from my desk when the bathroom is open. That means anytime somebody closes the door to use the bathroom, they are greeted by a sign that reads "I'm watching you," which is doubly creepy if they don't know the story behind it.

Surprisingly, only one person has mentioned anything about it.

Sunday is the BMH implosion, and I've secured seats in two locations — the 17th floor apartment of somebody who works upstairs ... and the super-exclusive media tent.

Not sure yet where I'm going to set up shop. The apartment is in a strategic location, further away and indoors. However, I'm afraid I won't get a good view if tons of people are crowded around this guy's window. The media tent is much closer and outdoors. However, it's near the blast and rubble and I don't want a lungful of asbestos/concrete/whatever.

Paul's coming along with me. So, supposedly, are Kendal and Kyle, a coworker's kids. They're about a decade my junior, but they're some of the coolest teens I know, and I'd be happy to have them along. I'm worried that I won't be able to get Paul, Kendal and Kyle into the media tent, so I may not have a choice about where we go.

In the meantime, I need to come up with a payback prank to play on the chica who put up the sunflower sign. I know she's creeped out by bugs. My original plan was to buy a pack of plastic roaches and rig them up to her chair with fishing line so that when she pulls out her chair to sit down, they scamper across her desk and keyboard. Of course, I'm open to other ideas. ::grins::

P.S. Sorry about my little tantrum in yesterday's post. I feel much better having gotten it off my chest. ^_^


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I have no issus with sunflowers, but if someone posted that in a bathroom where I worked, I'd start refusing to go in there. That IS spooky.

And why is it you can post on your blog and mine still doesn't work?!?

12:21 PM  

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