Sunday, November 13, 2005

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of Woody

It couldn't have been just as easy as waking up and getting on the road. It's never that easy. When we woke up (an hour an a half late), Paul had a migraine. He threw up five times and went back to bed.

I was debating whether to take the trip alone or cancel. Neither sounded appealing. But with an extra hour of sleep, some Dramamine and Excedrin Migraine, Paul felt well enough to ride along. He let me do all the driving, and I had a great time.

Monstee is very flurffy! Paul and I managed to drag him out of The Cave (a good thing, because I was a little scared of getting too close to the moldy box of porn). When he saw Paul, he got a look in his eye that can only be described as "MMmmMMmmmMmeaty!!!!1" I screamed for Paul to run as Monstee lunged at him hungrily. Monstee managed to grab one of Paul's arms and was getting ready to sink his teeth in ... when he yowled in pain!

Turns out when a monster gets a fang pulled, he is not allowed to eat solid foods, and Paul qualifies as a solid food. I thought I saw a big blue tear in Monstee's eye as Paul pulled away his arm, now covered in drool. After that, we swore to put the entire incident behind us and had a nice soft Paul-free meal.

Paul and I continued on to Indy, checked into the hotel (the Adam's Mark is very nice!), and made it to Woody's restaurant 20 minutes before he got off work. He was very surprised, so yeah, Mission Accomplished. Turns out he's working 60- and 70-hour weeks bartending, so I know he was tired. We told him to go home and get some sleep, but he insisted he couldn't, since we'd driven almost eight hours to see him. ::grins:: We ended up at Starbucks until midnight. When we left, it was raining.

So Paul's still asleep -- it's 10:15 a.m. here -- and I'm trying to decide what I want to do this morning. Maybe we'll just take it easy before we get back on the road. I'll figure something out before he wakes up.

If I get any good pics, I'll post 'em. :-)


Anonymous reaper said...

Monstee really cracks me up. ;)

12:35 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Me side of story!

3:44 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Oh, poor Paul! I'm happy for you that he went along, though. Sounds like you had fun :)

4:29 PM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    Impromptu road trip!
    Socks and glasses
    Lemon + milk = curds
    The implosion was amazing
    When we are gone, it'll still go on
    Just wait 'til Monday morning
    Fish out of water
    How many days til Christmas?