Monday, November 28, 2005

MY WRIST IS FINE! (and other random crap)


The MRI showed nothing except for a short ulna (duh). My orthopedist poked around on the joint a bit ("Why do you do that?! It HURTS!"), then said he couldn't find any reason why I was having problems. Bummer. Back to square one, I guess.

He said to approach it with a "wait and see" attitude ... then he gave me a cortisone shot. Apparently, this is his favorite form of treatment, as the woman next door to me also was receiving a cortisone shot. And he pumped Paul full of cortisone upon the occasion of Paul's first ganglion, but not the one Paul chewed off his hand.

Perhaps that is a story for another time, as it might take me a while to explain why Paul was bursting a cyst by gnawing on his hand, and I do have other things to talk about.

Want to wish a happy 25th birthday Tuesday to Jeremy, who is very good at keeping me grounded when I'm not busy worrying about him. The picture is of Jeremy and Len during a crazier time in our lives. ("High times, hard times / Sometimes the living is sweet ...")

Urgh. I think I'm a little off tonight, partly because I'm so relieved that things are okay, and partly because my wrist hurts really bad from all the extra poking around followed by a ginormous shot right into the joint.

It doesn't help that I didn't sleep well last night. We took Jeremy out and stayed at an all-night diner until way past my bedtime. After I finally drove home and fell asleep (with the help of some nice tranquilizers), I had a bunch of crazy dreams.

In one, a former reporter came back to the paper and begged me to stay at work until 3 a.m. so that I could secretly tape a phone conversation he was having with civil rights leader Benjamin Hooks. In another, Jeremy's wife was loudly banging Eddie (whom I've never mentioned by name in this blog, and don't particularly want to introduce now) on a pink mattress in my hallway, while four or five other people in the house tried to figure out a way to step over the mattress without disturbing them.

Also, I woke up to Paul yelling in his sleep. Long night. ::grins::

Oh, one more thing regarding yesterday's (rather violent) game ...

To half-answer De's question ("Can the boy not fight back or is this just a case of naked cruelty?"), I found out the game is based on the hentai Japanese PS2 game Cross Channel by Flying Shine. You can read the full storyline here. From what I gather, there's this boy stuck in summer school who starts flirting with this chick. Then he tries to rip off her bikini bottom (??), which might explain why she beats him senseless in the flash game. Does that clear anything up? I didn't think so.


Anonymous reaper said...

sides', anime games belong to a world different than the one im used to (aka pessimist's paradise)
can't expect to understand em'.

glad yer wrist is okay..

Jeremy is married????

12:03 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Me KNEW everthing was going be alright! Me never thought for second that you hand was going to fall off... hang there rotting, yes... maybe get few holes and be like swiss cheese...


NO! You no stop Monstee from him well wishing! Me know me was right all along! Me know nothing bad boing on with you hand by way you backhand Monstee when me tell funny but slightly embarrissing jokes... no, wait... that not you, that me x-wife...

ANYway... me glad you better.


12:18 AM  
Blogger FF said...

I had a dream last night that I was in a concentration camp on the way to the crematorium.

That didnt bode well for a good day.

12:24 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Hey, guess you found out about that pink mattress I left at your house then, huh?

As for all night diners...that explains why certain persons suddenly disappeared from IM...

6:34 AM  
Blogger smacky said...


How can he rip off her bikini bottoms when, in the screen shot below, she's clearly wearing jeans?

Yes, I'm too lazy to click on the link and read about the game myself.

7:56 AM  
Blogger De said...

Since the link involves a hentai game, I'll have to wait until I get home to read it lest I stumble onto something that could get me fired.

Thanks for the half-answer though :)

11:40 AM  

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