Wednesday, November 02, 2005

New glasses

I bought $500 in eyeglasses tonight. Actually, I don't feel too bad about the price, because I got a really good deal. Without the discount, it would have been $800.

No, I don't look emo in them. Really. The woman who helped me, Charlene, was an absolute angel. She helped me try on about 30 pairs of glasses before we agreed on one we thought suited my face and personality really well. :)

It's going to take two weeks for them to come in. This is because the "glasses in about an hour" deal didn't apply to people who are functionally blind. They have to ship off to headquarters to get those made. My nearsightedness worsened in my left eye from -6.25 to -6.75 and in my right eye from -7.0 to -7.75. My astigmatism worsened to .50 in both eyes at a 180-degree axis.

The whole eye doc thing kind of came up suddenly. I mean, I knew my eyes had gotten significantly worse in the 18 months since my last appointment. I've always had trouble seeing things without my glasses on, but recently, I've been having trouble making out the shapes and colors of things a few feet away.

Then last night, I ran into a wall. A wall! I've lived in this house for more than a decade, and I didn't see the edge of the doorway. D'oh! My right shoulder (and my ego) took a bruising from that one, so I called the eye doctor first thing this morning.

I'll take a picture of myself wearing the glasses when they come in. In the meantime, what do you think? Yeah, they're funky and retro, but I think they'll suit my personality just fine.

[Edit: Okay, okay. Lauren's right. Maybe a bit emo. Ironically, the glasses come with a "happiness guarantee," so if I get a bunch of "cheer up" comments, I'll cash in on my happiness and get a new pair.]


Blogger angrygrrface said...

Yeah, they do look pretty emo. But, like, the good kind of emo. Not the my-girlfriend-dumped-me-and-I'm-really-really-hurt-emo, but the guy-who-sits-at-the-back-of-the-van-with-his-notebook-emo.

Seriously cute :)

1:17 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

I think Lisa Loeb might be getting a clone...

Not that that's a bad thing.

7:03 AM  
Blogger De said...

But can she play guitar?

8:51 AM  
Blogger De said...


3:41 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I feel your pain, literally. I don't know how many walls and other various stationary objects I've run into. Of course, aside from being the world's greatest klutz, having a nueromuscluar problem might have something to do with it.

Of course, the ego stays regardless, and is always wounded. I generally pick myself up, dust myself off, look to see if anyone is around and saw me, and then hope it doesn't cause injury.

And I agree, the glasses look Lisa Loeb-ish. I like 'em.

5:24 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Just for you, De:

5:59 PM  
Anonymous reaper said...

there may be a chance of an alternative, albeit a small one...check this out..

and there are books on it, the best one I found so far is by Janet Goodrich titled 'your child without glasses'..

9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she cant play guitar, but she can beat out a mean tune on the piano, which, i guess is similar to a guitar, As the hammers "pluck" the strings.

and it uses i rite?!?!

12:03 AM  

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