Thursday, November 10, 2005

Socks and glasses

They're here! Hubby hasn't noticed them yet. I guess I could've put some lipstick on before I took the picture, but I was sitting in the car ... and yeah, screw it.

So I wore my Blow Pop socks to work today.

And I'm driving into the parking lot thinking, "Hey, today is going to be a great day because I'm off tomorrow and I'm wearing my Blow Pop socks today!"

And, like, four hours later, my boss called a meeting to tell us she was quitting her job so she could go back to school full time to become an interior designer. Man, I was crushed!

I wanted to jump up in the meeting and yell, "YOU CAN'T QUIT TODAY! I'M WEARING MY BLOW POP SOCKS!" But I didn't. Instead I just sat there and cried a little bit, because the luster of my magic socks had just grown a bit dimmer.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Love the specs Kate, and sorry to hear about your boss. Any ideas on who will fill her spot?

7:48 PM  
Blogger De said...

The hell? What's up with that first post?

Your Blow Pop socks made it possible for me to snag the only full-size candy bar in the candy dish today. It was a Baby Ruth.

9:12 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Yes, LOVE the glasses :) You're so pretty, Kate!

10:25 PM  
Blogger FF said...

I think you should go for her job! :)

2:22 AM  

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