Tuesday, November 22, 2005

When danger's near, exploit their fear

Some of you might think that — being the GeekGrrl I am — I am sitting in line waiting for an Xbox 360 right now.

Well, you're wrong.

I stayed at work until 7 p.m., trying to get a jump on the rest of the short week. (Funny how there seems to be more work during short weeks...) Then I met up with Jeremy, who just bought a new car so he wouldn't lose his job or something. Didn't really press him on that issue.

We hit up Blockbuster and rented H2G2 and Reefer Madness. I'm a big Doug Adams fan, but H2G2 came out while Matt was in town, so I never made it over to the theaters to see it. We rented Reefer Madness on a whim ... and it's really funny.

Alan Cumming does a great job. Also look for appearances by Christian Campbell (a.k.a. Max Steel) and his sister, Neve Campbell; Kristin Bell (a.k.a. Veronica Mars); and comedienne Ana Gasteyer.

And you geek kids out there, keep an eye out for Ralph (John Kassir). He's the voice of ... everything. He was the Cryptkeeper in Tales of the Cryptkeeper. He was Buster Bunny in Tiny Toons. Meeko in Pocahontas. Mervis and Dunglap in CatDog. And he's also done work in EverQuest II, The Punisher video game, Tak and Halo II. And in this movie, he's a complete idiot. An idiot because of the evil weed.

Anyway, if you can find a copy, check it out. Not one to share with the kids, for sure, but adults will get a kick out of the campy over-the-top musical numbers. Especially the catchy title song, which I'm going to have stuck in my head all day.


Blogger smacky said...

Why do you call it H2G2? Is it a special abbreviation I should get? Because shouldn't it be HG2G?


7:30 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Oh, and the original Reefer Madness came out on DVD a few months ago with an MST-like commentary by Michael Nelson himself. It's funny, but makes you miss Tom and Crow during the riffs.

7:34 AM  
Blogger De said...

***Geek Alert***

John Kassir also played Ray Palmer a.k.a. the Atom in the unaired CBS pilot of Justice League of America.

Time to go hang my head in shame for knowing that off the top of my head.

10:14 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

H2G2 is the "official abbreviation," from what I understand. I think it translates to HHGG --HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

10:26 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Ah, H squared, G squared. I blame Prince for making me read "2" as "to."


10:55 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

I've only ever seen the original Reefer Madness. We have it at work, but some moron titled the barcode as "Refer Madness."

3:48 PM  

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    "If you do things right..."
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