Sunday, November 20, 2005

You turned the tap dance into your crusade...

Movin' Out was fantastic. I just can't offer enough thanks to FF for giving us the tickets. It was unusual for me to see a show where I'm not already familiar with the storyline. Cats, Rent, The Lion King, PotO (I fell asleep during that) ... I knew all about them before I went.

With Movin' Out, I was familiar with the music — I've got every album Billy Joel ever released, including the classical one — but I didn't know what it was about. The basics: Five friends (Brenda, Eddie, James, Judy, and Tony) live the good life until the Vietnam War separates them and threatens to tear them apart forever unless they find the forgiveness and redemption they need.

It's a moving story, told completely through song — no dialog at all. And it's beautifully executed as a ballet. I wasn't expecting that! But everyone — from the leads to the ensemble to the piano man and his band — were amazing. I ended up enjoying it much more than I expected. And the $140 tickets were a nice bonus, too. :-)

Now it's off to bed for me. My hand is hurting pretty badly today and it's a bit swollen, so typing is becoming an annoyance. I also need to read over some health-type stuff sent by my Malaysian sword-wielding friend. ::grins:: We've been talking through some self-actualization health-type stuff. Now I'm going to take his recommendations and put together a shopping list.

Trouble is that, even though he's spent an extensive amount of time in the states, there's still a big cultural divide between here and there. Anybody want to guess where I can find chyawanprash or what's in it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

chyawanprash is spanglish for chitlins

1:48 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

ummm...try the internet? I could search for the name on UNF's library database and see what I come up with...

2:33 PM  

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