Monday, December 12, 2005

And it's got PUPPIES on the label, too!

I think I've found a root beer that trumps Abita, and I'm not quite sure that's a good thing. I mean, I love a good root beer, but Paul and I just went on a diet a couple of weeks ago. Until now, we've done a good job of drinking Diet Dr. Pepper when we want something fizzy and caffeinated. So I really don't need a calorie-laden soda calling to me from the World Market bags that are sitting in our kitchen waiting to be unpacked.

Double-whammy: The Coke machine at work is out of Diet Coke. I think this is largely because my closet is right next to it and I've been drinking Diet Cokes in tandem with large styrofoam cups of water from the glug-glug machine.

Oh, right. I was talking about root beer. I literally was running through World Market last week as the cashier rang up my items after I realized I'd forgotten the four-pack of sodas that serve as my "good girl" treats on the weekend. While I was back there, I happened upon a six-pack of Bulldog Root Beer, so I grabbed it too.

I assume it was in this crazy rushed state of mind that I put my wallet into my pocket instead of my purse, which threw me into a panic Friday when I realized I'd lost my wallet. (Paul was nice enough to drive home and tear up the house looking for it before I realized it was probably in my pants.)

And while Paul was at home playing Where's The Wallet?, I was at my desk cracking open a bottle of root beer and falling in love. ::grins:: It's creamy and sweet, most likely because those crazy folks at Bulldog aren't satisfied with high fructose corn syrup. Instead they use a triple threat: cane sugar, honey (which leaves a pronounced taste), AND maltodextrin. Did I mention it's sweet?

Anyway, my impulse purchase was a stroke of good luck — I later found out that the once-scarce Bulldog was rated 3rd of 143 by Luke's Root Beer Reviews and 1st of 311 by Anthony's Root Beer Barrel. And BevNet gave it a coveted five of five stars (certainly a rare occurance).

I guess I can't totally remove Abita from my fridge yet (hey, we have a history), but it's going to have to scooch over a bit to make room for the new guy.


Anonymous m said...

Well, let put that on the list of liquids I want to try but can get around here. DANG!

BTW: As far as diet soda goes, diet cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper is a FAR, FAR superior product.

8:42 PM  
Blogger De said...

C'mon Kate,

You know you're craving the Golden Pickle Juice.

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im not a big flavored drink fan. and never have been a big fan of cherry anything.

ugh. the only good cherries are the everclear soaked ones, and those are still fairly marginal.

heh, no biggie on the wallet, its not like i wanted to go to school anyway.

10:46 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Hey! I just started dieting, too! Oh, man. I really really want to try that now. Maybe next year.

12:21 AM  
Blogger Slain said...

Hey! Root Beer is nearly always top of the list on my "cheat" days..;)

Me fave is A & W, preferably fresh but bottled and served with ice does almost as well by me..

My guy friend who weighs 50 lbs more than me almost pukes when he tries to eat as much..

Swear I got a python living in my stomach..

4:25 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Is that a wallet in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?

7:52 AM  

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