Monday, December 19, 2005

Fragtastic (+ info on the new boss)

I need to be like Red. I want to be like Mokey. And yet I know I'm Boober. (Can't disagree with a guy who says, "Fun is dangerous!") Too bad I'll have to wait a couple of years to see the original voice cast in Fraggle Rock: The Movie.

So I met my new boss today. I'd had it all planned out in advance — when she was introduced to me, I was going to say, "I, for one, welcome our alien overlords," just because I thought it'd be a funny thing to say.

But she was so uberfriendly and nice that I couldn't bring myself to do it, so I waited until I'd retreated to my closet, then whispered it to myself. I don't think anyone was standing outside my office door, but if so, I've become one notch more eccentric in the eyes of my coworkers.

I think I'm really going to like her. The editorial department is having lunch next week at The Arcade (which you may remember from such movies as The Firm, Walk the Line, 21 Grams, etc.). Perhaps lunch will be the perfect time to find out things like where she's from, what kind of music she likes, and how many game consoles she owns. Of course, the last one is really important. :-)

Changes are really snowballing in TDN-land. My new boss will be getting a new boss (now there's the real alien overlord, no?), we roll out a total redesign later this week, and a new reporter starts two days after Christmas.

Think, Kate, think. What would Boober do?

He'd worry. A lot. Hmm, what else? He'd find solace in doing the laundry and cooking turnips. He'd wemble about whether to panic. Oh, and he'd knot his tail for good luck. May have a bit of trouble with that last one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

boober so should have had boobies, because then he, err, she would be a lot like you.

also, hurray for friendly boss, an unfriendly boss would be baaaaaad.

and really, you soooo should have said welcoming the alien overlords, being eccentric is what being a copy editor is all about, because who else would scrutinize like eveyr word.

6:52 PM  
Blogger De said...

You mean you don't have a tail???

10:09 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Glad your boss seems cool :)

11:04 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...


You talk about THEM again?!?!?

Er... Well... Um... Me...

comment here

7:00 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

I always liked Wembley, probably because of the Hawaiian shirt.

Aren't office hierarchies great? I'm always telling work stories, and I have to say "This is my boss's boss's boss I'm talking about..."

8:01 AM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    Over already?
    If you're gonna walk the line ...
    Sunny side up
    Beautiful, and she works for free
    Straight from the udder to your heart
    And it's got PUPPIES on the label, too!
    Greetings from Early Christmas Land
    Ho ho ho?
    Tasty treats for the masochists
    "I'm GOUDA! I'm not a MUENSTER!"