Friday, December 09, 2005

Greetings from Early Christmas Land

You know how much you hated waiting for Christmas morning when you were a kid? Well, Paul and I did. That's why we never wait for Christmas to exchange presents.

He knows what I'm getting him, although it isn't here yet. (Time goes so slowly when you're waiting for something.)

And Paul's given me my gifts: a red Nintendo DS with Animal Crossing: Wild World and Mario Kart (which he is now playing); an Acer 17-inch LCD flat-panel monitor; and a wireless optical mouse.

My desk has become a geek girl's paradise. :-)

But Paul never forgets my feminine side, even when I'm pounding my fists on the desk in a primal rage because my video game character just got smoked by some lame-ass nemesis. No, he still sees me as the lipstick-wielding chick I was when we met, so he also bought me a day spa gift certificate for a little pampering.

I don't know why he takes such good care of me, why he still loves me after all this time. He doesn't even seem to be sick of me yet! O_o The gifts are nice, but it's the man behind them who really matters to me. I don't deserve him ... but I sure do love him. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:34 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...


12:11 PM  
Blogger De said...

Where's my insulin? ;-)

7:37 PM  
Anonymous m said...

My desk has become a geek girl's paradise. :-)

Funny, I thought that required a picture of Orlando Bloom as Legolas in The Lord of the Rings.

12:18 AM  
Blogger Slain said...

Wow..what a GUY..sure u can't get a clone of him 4 me?? ::bats his eyes innocently::

Imagine, I could buy that 4 1/2' claymore @ next year's auction in Scotland..

Then again, I'd have to crop these thingies first to wield that blade properly::extends fingers daintily while looking at nails::

9:19 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Laura and I have, on occasion, broken down and given each other one or two early gifts. I gave her the travel desk she wanted to use with her laptop a few weeks ago, and last week she gave me a new coffee maker. Between each of our families (and since her parents divorced and remarried it counts as two more), we exchange so many gifts that a few early don't make a bit of difference. It's a rather sick display of consumerism, really.

God bless America.

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont really see anything wrong with it, buying stuff that is, especially with money given towards buying said stuff. I probably went through an easy 800 bux this christmas for both me and kate, but, it was all money given to us by family for buying us stuff, so i was like hell yeah.

and for once, it went to buying stuff we wanted not needed (difference in my book). hurray

3:01 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Oh ho ho. I *really* did not need to know how much you spent. Really.

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

^_^ you know you wanted to deeeeeep down

lolol in mah pants!
har de har har

10:37 PM  

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