Tuesday, December 27, 2005

If only there were a view from my desk...

Today has been hell. I guess I should've expected it, coming off a relatively nice four-day weekend (except for a spat with Paul over him being a boneheaded male). I unintentionally did one of those annoying female things and asked him a question to which there's no right answer. I swear I didn't do it on purpose, but I got angry at his answer all the same.

And now I feel bad about it.

Karma, however, has come around and kicked my ass. I'm mired under legal notices (47 left now) and SQL queries (91 left now). I've got to work ahead because I can't get out of a luncheon with my department tomorrow. I was looking forward to it last week, before I realized I don't have time for these things. I need to work through lunch, as usual.

::sighs:: I'd better put nose to grindstone and finish up. I'd like to leave here by 8:15 p.m. so I can swing by a video game sale at Toys 'r' Us.


Blogger Slain said...

Questions like that are best left to Deity. ::wry smile::

I'm sure he won't stay upset for long. Neither will karma. ;)

3:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hurray for 10 dollar DS games on sale, and hurry for 30 dollar games in general.

just a side note paying 30 dollars for a game is far better than paying upwards of 50 to 60 dollars for a game.

please ignore us playing CoH/CoV, where we pay a monthly fee for both of us, but its really fun and Awesome McAwesomey

10:29 AM  
Blogger De said...

Are the retro titles for PS2 (like Taito Legends, Namco 50th, or Atari Anthology) on sale too? Or is it primarily the plethora of first-person shooters?

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, unfortunately, the TRU that we went to was basically cleaned out.

this sale has been going on since dec 22. apparently, the ebay resellers stalk this sale like no other, and buy many copies of every "on sale" game, then resell it. Those bastards.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

De: Check out some of the sale titles online.

5:36 PM  
Blogger De said...

Thanks for the link, Kate. Midway's Arcade Classics 2 is on sale. Hopefully I can still find a copy on the shelf.


8:02 AM  

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