Friday, December 16, 2005

If you're gonna walk the line ...

After the flurry of comments about De's Johnny Cash figurine, I decided you guys should get a glimpse of the real thing.

Come to Memphis this spring — Carrie will be here in May, but I'm free anytime. I'll give you the nickel tour of Sun Studios, where Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins (etc.) got their start. You can even touch their microphone!

Then we'll go to Graceland, then Isaac Hayes' place, then B.B. King's ... and you all can crash on my extra beds or couches or futon and we'll make s'mores and stay up all night and play Risk and be best friends forever!!!

Like omigod, SLEEEEEPOVER!!!

So when are you going to be here? I have to know so I can pick you up from the airport! And are you going to bring your beads with you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, im already here!

5:49 PM  
Blogger De said...

Hmmm... your offering is mighty tempting. May I wear my sequined jumpsuit?

7:10 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

I have never played Risk.

4:28 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...


5:00 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Damn, that would rock 5 ways to Sunday (it would rock a LOT!) Hmmmm...

Oh, BEADS! Yeah, yeah. I need to get on that...

7:52 AM  
Blogger Slain said...

is there a steak / ribs buffet?? ;)

once i was in FL and i walked away from the buffet before feeling overstuffed cause the person w/me got sick of me stuffing mine face..

10:25 AM  

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    Sunny side up
    Beautiful, and she works for free
    Straight from the udder to your heart
    And it's got PUPPIES on the label, too!
    Greetings from Early Christmas Land
    Ho ho ho?
    Tasty treats for the masochists
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