Saturday, December 03, 2005

One bottle opener, five bottles ...

Oh my. I have now consumed 5/6ths of Monstee's beverage-y Christmas gift. I am very naughty indeed, and will most likely receive lumps of coal mined directly from The Cave. On the bright side, I whacked off six inches of hair tonight. Perhaps I can find a way to craft that into a monster-friendly gift.

Maybe I'll fill the five empty bottles with hair. Or maybe I'll shape them into a stylish moustache, in case Big Blue ever needs to go incognito.


Blogger Monstee said...

NOT a problem! Me no get upset till it get to... oh... how bout we say 7/11 or more like 17/19.

OH! And cave am not coal type cave! It am old burned out land fill or somthing.


12:17 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Problem solved. I am having a BRAND NEW, UNOPENED Christmas gift shipped to Monstee from Phoenix. Presumably, unless I hop on a plane, I will not be able to attack and devour it between Phoenix and The Cave.

1:17 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Not many people can start a sentence with "I whacked off..." without me bursting into giggles.

You were no different, I'm afraid.

hee hee.

7:29 AM  

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