Friday, January 27, 2006

30 seconds and two cups of coffee later ...

Last week, my very own Senseo coffee machine showed up on my doorstep. And the price was right: free. The steps leading up to that point went something like this:
  1. Received e-mail from Philips offering a free Senseo if I shared a cup of coffee with my friends.
  2. Carefully scrutinized e-mail for signs of scam.
  3. Carefully scrutinized promotion rules for signs of scam.
  4. Signed up, still unsure if it was a scam, but figuring I could always claim ignorance later.
  5. Received e-mail declaring I was one of 10 chosen to receive a Senseo and asking me to fill out a survey after I'd tried it.
  6. Received Senseo in mail, accompanied by a few brochures in case friends also wanted to fill out survey.
That's it. An $107 coffee maker for free. And besides Paul's comments that it looks like "the vampire coffee maker," it makes a good, strong, frothy cuppa in 30 seconds. Amazing.

Which kind of sucks, because I really don't need to pick up the coffee habit once again. I've switched to tea — a more healthful (and less caffeinated) option — and reserve coffee for when Carrie's in town. Oh well, balance in everything, I suppose.

[Edit: After much whining from dear hubby, I've added the target="_blank" tag to my links. If you like it, I'll jscript in it permanently. Thumbs up/down?]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

since my thumbs are bigger than everyones elses, i win because i give two ginormous thumbs up

6:56 PM  
Blogger De said...

Is it possible to use the new machine for tea?

9:55 PM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Tea is only less caffienated if it is NOT Double Buzz :) ;) :P

And frothy coffee, Mmmmmmm...

11:21 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

I have a friend with one of those. BEST COFFEE EVER.

Also, total thumbs up.

12:11 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...

yeah, yeah... coffee. Good fo you, me happy... Now.

Four huge and hairy dew claws up!!!

Me target="_blank" everything and the link they rode in on!

3:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not just a vampire coffee maker, a PYCHIC VAMPIRE COFFEE MAKER

1:33 AM  
Blogger Slain said...

hey, this thing looks like the joystick on an airplane!!!

replete with missile buttons n' evrything..

1:48 AM  

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