Saturday, January 21, 2006

A 6 a.m. post after a 24+ hour day - or a day in the life of a grad student (LOL long title, sorry kate)

Hay guys whats going on, i would just like to point out that life as an analytical chemist sucks sometimes. I have been at school since 8am yesterday morning, trying to get data good enough for publishing (note: i dont think this will be good enough, but its a start).

It has been a day full of "fun". It started with about an two hours worth of work getting the instrument up and running verifiably good. Then, two hours after that a quick lunch before i had to read the chemical hygiene saftey plan. Basically, this tells me what protocols i am supposed to follow so that the university isn't liable for accidents that happen in lab, nevermind the fact that students taking a night class are screwed in case of emergency. Instead of having a health center open while there are still labs, they close it at like 5pm, when labs go to roughly 9ish, 10ish (something like that).

So, 1pm rolls around, and we start the lab meeting about this (which wasnt bad), then at 3 the departmental saftey thing rolls around, where confusion abounds and piddly fucking pasteur pipettes (hurray for CYA). Then i have some security crap i have to take care of at 430, and after thats done, i get to have dinner with kate (hurray, this was happy break time from crappy day).

After dinner, from 11pm on 1-20-06, i spend the next SEVEN hours surfing the awful forums and listening to coast to coast streamlink because i am way too braindead to write coherently on my prospectus (need rough draft by thursday) or even attempt to play my DS. Oh, can't sleep because i am way to paranoid about the lab getting broken into, and me being the only person here, getting screwed in the process. Oh yeah, apparently, im not supposed to be here by myself without notifying the chair, i guess i better email him or something.

Have a good saturday, im going home to sleep for like five hours, and get up by noon, so my weekend isn't totally screwed.

P.S. - kate doesnt normally post on saturday or sunday, so view this as like a "special" edition, i guess at some point i should do something with snottypaws.


Blogger De said...

"It started with about an two hours worth of work getting the instrument up and running verifiably good."

Tee hee hee :-D

6:45 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

sorry your day sucks! hopefully you will have awesome dreams about rainbows and kittens or something during your five hours of rest.

1:41 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

He's a trooper. There are days when I really want to go back to grad school ... and days when I don't think I could handle the hours or pressure.

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

graduate school differs by the major, for instance, i do believe an english grad spends far less time having 24 hour days due to lack of experimentation, but probably spends more time teaching and writing (also gets paid less)

analytical compared to computational chem, well, far less 24 hour days due to having the computer do a lot of calculation, but there is a lot of analysis time, but, that doesnt have to be crammed into like 1 session

7:00 PM  
Blogger Slain said...

Anonymous ~ i think you feel the same way when i say its a good idea to hook my brain to a supercomputer *or two* in order to handle the workload!! ;)

1:23 AM  
Anonymous Middle aged drunk woman's son said...

Whine, whine, whine. Pussy!
You think you have it hard? I'm a fuckin missionary! Let's see, climate controlled lab, unlimited supply of toilet paper, ability to "go out to eat" with your wife, and VASTLY less exposure to diarrhea causing bacteria. Yeah, you got it REAL tough.

You better keep your wife away from my mom or I swear to GOD I'm gonna kick your ass!


1:49 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Paul ol Buddy, wish me could help but them am the hardships big brained people like us got to endure. I guess if it make you feel any better you could.... that spit?

DANG! Who cleans up around here anyway?!?

1:50 AM  

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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T.S. Eliot

    Written in stone
    Work is dangerous!
    Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine!
    No Snow For You!
    1 p.m.: Liar, liar, theater on fire
    6:15 a.m.: Pat down by airport security
    Hare today, goon tomorrow
    Only you can prevent...
    Back in the good ol' days...
    RAWWRR, im so incredibly grumpy