Saturday, January 28, 2006

Annoying moment #428

The forecast said it was going to rain. But it wasn't raining, so Paul and I decided to go to the zoo.

Our plans: renew our membership and visit the members-only preview of Northwest Passage, the new home to three black bear cubs, three polar bear cubs, etc.

We stopped at Boscos: The Restaurant for Beer Lovers for lunch. We ate, we paid, we were getting ready to depart for the zoo.

Ooh — gotta pee! So we headed for the restrooms, which are right next to the patio dining door. Quick glance. No rain. Yay!

But at some point within the three minutes it took me to pee and wash my hands, the bottom fell out of the sky. Monsoon in Memphis.

Maybe we'll go to the zoo tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny story about boscoes:

i order a sausage and pepperoni pizza variant of theres. they give me the el pollo diablo, i dont notice until too slices in ^___________^

1:34 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Wait ... why again is that funny?

1:35 AM  
Blogger Slain said...

awww, poor animals..

tell de polar bears hi 4 me?

1:49 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...

For some reason me find it strange that you need to pee at restaurant for BEER lovers.... no, wait... no me don't.

11:23 PM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

sorry you didn't get to go to the zoo :(

at least rain usually smells nice :)

11:28 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Hmmm, three minutes to pee and wash hands. That sounds a little long, actually. Unless you REALLY needed to pee, like you hadn't in 2 days, and you kept drinking coffee from your fancy coffee machine. Oh, and there WAS a catch, by the way. In invisible print, only viewable from a Coleco computer, says this: "Acceptance of this offer holds the user to the following terms:

(1) Your firstborn must be named Phillip, unless it's a girl, in which case you must name her Senseo.

(2) Every fifth cup of coffee causes explosive diarrhea, until cup 100 is brewed, then one out of six cups causes loss of bladder control, chosen at random. This is done through the addition of three drops of a secret patented liquid of our own invention, through a valve that cannot be adjusted or removed. If you try to remove it, Phillips will forward pictures of you taken with a secret camera (patent pending). Pictures of you doing something you don't want the Memphis Police to see. Not necessarily illegal, just pics you don't want them to see.

Have a nice day. Enjoy your new coffee maker. We at Phillips hope this is the start of a long consumer relationship. Or else.

7:24 AM  

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    Pick one (but not your nose)
    I'll pretend to care what you say
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    Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine!
    No Snow For You!