Saturday, January 14, 2006

Hare today, goon tomorrow

Surprise! Paul's taking me to Chicago. We're staying on the Magnificent Mile at the Allerton Crowne Plaza. When he travels, he likes to do so in style. We're even flying direct on United. Flight leaves at 7:29 a.m., and I haven't caught a wink of sleep yet. ::cringes::

Plans are to cram the entire city into two days, which won't be terribly hard since we're staying right where we want to be. Paul wants to hit up Garrett's for popcorn; I want to hit up Vosges for chocolate. Then there's the Lego store.

Entertainment Saturday includes ice carving and fireworks (in the sky, if your mind's in the gutter). Sunday, we've got tickets to see Blue Man Group. And there's an off-chance we'll meet up with some friends we haven't seen since Jesus Respawned in Cincy in '04. All the other shopping, dining, and entertainment will be decided on the fly, which completely goes against the Kate method of travel.

Matt will be taking care of the house, even though we'll only be gone a couple of days. We don't own a watchdog, but he fits the bill in a pinch. I'll be posting from the road, and will surely have photos when I return. Take care of yourselves until I get back. <3


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh snap, im a stylin' hip dude!

(who would have thought?)

12:38 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...

if you have the time or craving...

Me HIGHLY recomend Giordano's Pizza.

One of BEST in Chicago land area.

2:41 AM  
Blogger Slain said...

Chicago popcorn...mmmmm

Smell alone makes the mouth water!

10:27 AM  
Blogger De said...

Blue Man Group!!!

11:14 PM  

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    Update, schmupdate