Monday, January 02, 2006

New year, black eyed peas, and online art

Happy New Year! Hope everybody started the year off on the right foot.

Me? I had an awesome Japanese hibachi dinner with Mom, Dad and Paul on New Year's Eve. No sashimi, as I'm the only sushi eater in the family.

My party animal parents went to a dance with some friends, but Paul and I were home by 11 p.m., downing Nyquil to battle the sneezies. (Resolution #1: Boost my immune system in 2006.) We laid in bed playing Animal Crossing, and Paul was asleep by 11:30. I stayed up so my video game character, Grumpy, could watch pixelated fireworks with the other residents of Big Bed: Hugh (the pig), Victoria (horse), Aurora (penguin), Elvis (lion), Lily (frog), Caroline (chipmunk), Big Top (elephant), and Snake (rabbit). I was asleep by 12:10 a.m.

To celebrate New Year's Day, we visited with Mom and Dad last night and had a big ol' bowl of Hoppin' John with cornbread. Am I correct in assuming this is not a tradition in which our Northern brethren participate?

Oh, today's graphic is provided by Mr. Picassohead, an online do-it-yourself art project. Mine's called Prayer. I was bored. If you prefer a more wintery outlet for your creativity, try Make-a-Flake, which pays homage to the childhood tradition of cutting snowflakes out of folded paper. Also, it's much quicker to make a snowflake than a Picasso look-alike.

Post screencaps or links to your artwork. Most creative piece wins the pack of gum Smacky was supposed to send me in April. ::grins::


Blogger De said...

I've never heard it called "Hoppin' John" but black-eyed peas were a New Year's Day staple growing up. I'm not a big fan of black-eyed peas, but I do dig the collard greens and cornbread.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Am it the hoppin' john that am the tradition? Round here tradition am just any old kind of beans. We have red beans and rice, but them peas with the black eyes am good too.

Me love you picture. Am that you and Paul? If so, Paul look pissed and you.... you need you meds! ...or less meds... or hug or somthing. Me post me picture soon.


4:16 PM  
Blogger Chance said...

Happy new year back to you. You don't know me, but I like your blog.

7:58 PM  
Blogger smacky said...

Wait, you didn't get the gum? I'll have to send another pack...

7:40 AM  

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