Thursday, January 26, 2006

Pick one (but not your nose)

Whose Cuisine Reigns Supreme?
(The game edition)

(a.) Monopoly (luck, strategy, business sense, staying out of jail)
(b.) Trivial Pursuit (general knowledge, strategy, filling in those darn pies)

(a.) Pictionary (art skills, creative thinking, deciphering an elephant from a circle with some lines sticking out)
(b.) Boggle (vocabulary skills, pattern-searching, pretending things like "reghi" are real words)

(a.) Dr. Mario (quick thinking, color matching, beating viruses before they kill you)
(b.) Tetris (quick thinking, jigsaw puzzle-type skills, beating the clock before your thumbs fall off)

(a.) Rock, Paper, Scissors (strategy, probability, psychological warfare against your opponent)
(b.) Thumb wrestling (excellent timing, brute force, sneaking in the use of your index finger [Paul...])

(a.) Wheel of Fortune (luck, speed, puzzle-solving skills, pondering the uselessness of Vanna White)
(b.) Jeopardy (speed, general knowledge, wishing the rounds incorporated childish elements of Double Dare)

Personally, my preferences are Trivial Pursuit, Boggle, Tetris, thumb wrestling, and Wheel of Fortune. After you choose (sensibly, as the graphic suggests), come up with a few "this-or-that" questions about a topic you dig. ^_^


Blogger Slain said...

mine iz chess

sorry, Kate! ;)

10:39 PM  
Blogger FF said...

Trivial Pursuit, Boggle, Tetris, Rock paper scissors, and jeopardy.

11:31 PM  
Anonymous m said...

Trivial Pursuit, Pictionary, Tetris, Rock, Paper, Scissors, Jeopardy

a) Punk (loud noise, funny hair, worn clothes, slam dancing, safety pins & chains)
b) Heavy Metal (loud noise, big hair, leather clothes, head banging, spikes & chains)

a) Kiwi (A fruit that is like Banana and Strawberry)
b) Strawberries and Banana (a mixture of fruit that is nothing like Kiwi)

a) 60's (the cloths, the music, the drugs, the sex)
b) 70's (the cloths, the music, the drugs, the sex)

a) Anarchy (Might makes right, kill or be killed, take it if you can, keep it if you can)
b) Totalitarianism (simply do as we say... or else, we know what is right, don't question us... or else)

a) Back (Starting your life over knowing what you know now)
b) Forward (going from here but knowing everything that is going to happen)

2:06 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

M: Heavy metal, kiwi, '90s (first decade I remember), anarchy, forward.

Actually, I have a question about back and forward: In either case, would you be able to change the course of events? Going back, could you live your life "better," and going forward, could you change crappy things like, say, totaling your car?

10:05 AM  
Blogger De said...

-Trivial Pursuit, Boggle, Tetris, RPS, Jeopardy

I've never played Dr. Mario and thumb wrestling involves physical contact.

Here's one for ya:

(a.)Talking animals (being able to ask if they've wanted to wear pants)
(b.)Talking plants (being able to ask if they've ever wanted to shower)

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

monopoly, boggle, dr mario, thumb wrestling, jeopardy.

a) near
b) far

1:03 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

Anonymous: Far.

De: Talking plants, because I'd love to see them get into it with vegetarians: "Not the grater! Anything but the grater! OH MY GOURD ... it stings ... it burns ... I'm ... fading ... fast ..."

11:04 PM  

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