Monday, February 27, 2006

And all she wants to do is dance...

I am wearing bright red shoes today. (Yes, the camera makes them look orange, so you'll just have to believe me.)

I am wearing bright red shoes, and it makes me all kinds of happy because they don't match anything else I'm wearing.

This, of course, has caused some mental distress among my coworkers. They do not understand. And that is fine with me.

Call it my insurance policy against being normal and boring. It proved to be a good remedy for a case of the Mondays.

Perhaps I shall wear my purple clogs tomorrow as defense against a case of the Tuesdays. They'll go well with the purple, green, and gold Mardi Gras beads that are sitting in the back of the Vue waiting to be handed out to coworkers.

Or I could wear my pink glittery penguin socks ... or my Boogie Heaven shirt ... or my rocker-girl skull hairbows (but not all three at once, because that'd just be overkill).

Oh come on ... certainly I'm not the only person with happy-happy make-it-all-better clothes, right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:59 PM  
Blogger FF said...

Yeah. And I thought I was really breaking out with my brown striped giraffe socks today.

12:05 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Do a blue fur coat count?

1:14 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

I like to wear yoga pants with a miniskirt on days that start off on the wrong foot. Or sometimes, I'll wear my old lady shoes that I spray-painted hot pink and decorated with blue glitter paint.

Nothing makes a day seem better than fun clothes and accessories :)

1:46 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

Oy! You sell a "Boogie Heaven" thong? Crikey! Who knew?!?

Wow, you know what? I do seem to be the one lately to point out the smut. Still, you're the one that designed and sells a thong!

I have a pair of blue suede shoes I'm saving for the day I have to go all Elvis on someone. (I suppose "Going all Elvis" would entail singing a bunch of songs while winning a race of some sort, whether it be motocross, water skiing, or hot air ballooning.

7:57 AM  
Blogger Slain said...

i go with black matching skull pattern..still makes people reel.

4:48 AM  

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