Sunday, February 19, 2006

Gah, why won't Carrie die already? :)

Paul, Jeremy, and I were poking through an old hard drive tonight when we came across an Apple ][e emulator. So we popped in Oregon Trail and had at it. Paul was the party leader; the other passengers were Kate, Jeremy, Matthew, and Carrie.

The game went something like this:
(1.) Leave July 1.
(2.) Carrie gets dysentery right away.
(3.) We cross a river, in which we lose 535 pounds of food and two of our wagon axles.
(4.) A thief comes in the night and steals 10 sets of clothes, leaving us ... naked?
(5.) Jeremy gets measles. Jeremy dies the next day.
(6.) Carrie gets typhoid.
(7.) An ox wanders off.
(8.) Matthew gets typhoid (presumably from Carrie). Matthew dies two days later.
(9.) We run out of food and find out that Paul's a really crappy hunter. He gets no beaver.
(10.) Carrie gets a fever.
(11.) Kate gets exhaustion. Kate dies.
At this point, the party's down to Paul and Carrie, she's got three diseases, she's eating up the 100 pounds of food we got by killing a bear ... and she just won't die.

The wagon breaks down. Carrie won't die. We trade for wagon parts. Carrie won't die. We hunt for food and come back with a one-pound rabbit. Carrie won't die. We eat the rabbit, leaving us with no food, no bullets to hunt for food, and no clothes. And finally ... she dies.

The room erupts in cheers. Finally, the diseased-ridden tramp is dead. ::grins:: Then Paul dies of starvation and gets to write his own epitaph ... in which he memorializes the woman who caused the demise of the entire party.

Gee thanks, Carrie.


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Yes, I know how much you'd all like to get rid of me...but I will never truly die...

12:15 AM  
Anonymous m said...

Cheers FOR Carrie on this one!

Carrie: I'm sitting in a broken wagon, naked and suffering from 3 diseases, some of which I have had for months! What's your problem?

Wimp #1: I'm sick. Ugh! (dead)
Wimp #2: I'm sick. Ugh! (dead)
Wimp #3: I'm tired. Ugh! (dead)
Carrie: OK, I'm starving now too. Ugh! (dead)
Wimp #4: I'm hungry. Ugh! (dead)

YAY for Carrie!

(I always die first as that game too...)

1:35 AM  
Blogger De said...

Oh wow. I haven't played Oregon Trail since the 5th grade. Do you have Odell Lake too?

7:15 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

I don't think I've played Oregon Trail since 5th or 6th grade either. And, amazingly enough, I was usually one of the first to die. So why then did Kate, Paul, and Jeremy manage to have me alive for so long? Must be something they put in the water...

9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have NEVER played oregon trail.

i suck at hunting
i suck at trading

but i do know how to plan, jeremy and kate were giving me crap about buying extra crap, like 2 extra wheels, 2 extra axels, 200 extra pounds of food. If i hadnt purposefully picked leaving as late as possible, i know i would have made it.

Stupid thieves and fire. Seriously, there are five people on this stupid wagon, you would think someone would stay up overnight and shoot badguys and keep fires out.

9:53 AM  
Blogger StargazerGirl said...

Well, it looks like I could have at least given all the bad guys one of my three major diseases. That'll teach them not to come messing with the Immortal Stargazergirl. :) :P

10:15 AM  
Blogger Slain said...

::roars w/laughter::

awww man!! wish i could have been there..

Carrie is kinda resilient, yo!

1:16 PM  

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