Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Man, I had a rough day. Bordered on a breakdown, snapped at a coworker, cried in my car. I think I just need a change of scenery.

But (!) I felt a lot better when I saw this pic. I think the big guy is saying, "I'm one of you! Really! I swear!" It makes me giggle to no end.

Jeremy says he’s going to change his identity and move to Australia. Well, I’m going to quit my job, move to Alaska, and get my master’s in Arctic Engineering. Can you tell I’ve actually put thought into this?

Now, it’s off with me. I’ve got a magazine to edit. Can’t even put down the red pen when I go home. Which contributes to my bad mood. … Which is why I’m moving to Alaska.

Oh, crikies. Alaska doesn't have any penguins, does it? I must rethink this whole thing now...


Blogger StargazerGirl said...

You and me both had a bad day. I was informed I had to pass a K-6 subject area test by June 30, or I may lose my teaching placement. I think I'm moving to another country too.

But lucky me, I don't have to change my identity. Few people talk to me anyway.

10:06 PM  
Blogger Chance said...

Hang in there. It'll be better tomorrow. Think of all the good things you've got.

12:59 AM  
Blogger smacky said...

After watching March of the Penguins, I no longer see them as cute. With about 50,000 different ways things can go wrong, destroying their lives forever (start walking too late, mate doesn't make it, mate doesn't return to watch the egg, can't cover the egg in time and it freezes, baby crawls away and freezes, eaten by a walrus...

Penguins are the embodiment of existentialism.

7:33 AM  
Blogger Monstee said...

Great pic!

Me love it!!! It am funny and....


9:27 AM  
Blogger angrygrrface said...

Man, did you ever watch The Pebble and the Penguin? That movie ROCKS.

Also, that picture is kick ass.

3:21 PM  
Blogger Slain said...

if u go 2 Alaska..take me with u?? ;)

6:01 PM  

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    'Scuze me, I think you have my stapler.
    The first step is admitting you have a problem
    Fair? He's downright paranoid!
    We're not morning people
    Think warm thoughts
    Shh. It's a secret.
    Factoid: It's 42% humid outside. Really.
    Annoying moment #428
    30 seconds and two cups of coffee later ...